Location: 1765 Langdale Drive, Nashville GA 
Phone:  (229) 686-5421


Berrien County Airport

Top Notch Air Service for Berrien and Surrounding Counties

Berrien Flight Map

Our brand-new facility offers many amenities for pilots and passengers.  

This airport has a significant economic impact on Berrien County.  The airport services the business sector and agribusiness, particularly with aerial applications.  The airport is also vital to regional medical/emergency service aircraft and law enforcement. 

New facility built in 2023 offers many amenities for pilots and passengers

Economic Impact for Berrien County Airport

About the Berrien County Airport

Business Use

Airports are tools used by a wide variety of employers to increase many aspects of their efficiency. When businesses consider where they locate or expand, proximity to an airport is often a top consideration. Airports are a contributor to an area’s economic diversification and growth. Both local and visiting businesses rely on air travel to increase their efficiency. Airports can be used to help companies expand their market areas, reduce employee travel time, provide access for customers and suppliers, and tie together offices in multiple locations. Chaparral Boats is the world’s leading manufacturer of quality fiberglass boats. The company frequently relies on and benefits from the airport located near its Nashville, Georgia manufacturing facility and corporate offices. With over 800 employees, Chaparral is the largest employer in the airport’s market area. By supporting this local business and the suppliers and customers of Chaparral who fly to the area, the airport helps to support many local jobs.

Aerial Applicators

Agriculture is an important part of Georgia’s economy. Georgia is home to a diverse array of food and fiber products and an assortment of related processing companies. Together, agriculture and its related industries in Georgia, directly and indirectly, account for over $74.3 billion in economic output and over 411,500 jobs. Georgia is host to over 42,000 farms, encompassing more than 9 million acres; 88 percent of these farms are considered small businesses. The Bureau of Economic Analysis reports on nearly 35,000 farm proprietors in the state. Aviation is a tool that supports agriculture in Georgia. Aerial applicators spray crops and timber to prevent the spread of disease and pests. The airport supports locally based aerial applicators as well as transient or visiting aerial applicators of herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, and fertilizers to help local farms produce higher yields and cleaner fields. 

Medical /Emergency Services

The nation’s hospital system is shrinking; and smaller/local hospitals find it a challenge to retain a full complement of medical specialists. Often smaller hospitals cannot provide advanced trauma care. South Georgia Medical Center Berrien Center has served local medical needs of the Nashville, Georgia area since 1965. Airports assist in backfilling the void for various types of locally-based physicians. Airports also are available to transport patients needing advanced medical or trauma care to larger hospitals in Georgia. The ability to rapidly and safely move patients, medical personnel, and equipment, when conditions are urgent, is beneficial to the well-being and quality of life of residents. 

Law Enforcement

The airport supports essential law enforcement activities. From one of its bases of operation in Reidsville, the Georgia State Patrol (GSP) Aviation Division uses airports in southeast Georgia to provide air support for different assignments. GSP supports public safety interests for the citizens of Georgia. The GSP Aviation Division performs search and rescue missions utilizing infra-red cameras, and many missing persons have been located from the air using this technology. Other missions supported by the GSP Aviation Division include manhunts, aerial photography, aerial surveillance, natural disaster response, SWAT missions, and fire suppression. The Division has become a nationwide leader for its innovative use of aircraft to suppress the distribution of illegal substances.



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